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In any project everything need to be connected. Biology should be part of the design as operation needs to be part of bio-security. Every aspect need to be harmonic with the others.

My strength is in the knowledge of combine it all to one unit that will take it to successful production.

The Israel Salt Company- Aquaculture section 1992-2008.


During my work at the Israel salt company I developed practices, methods, tools for marine

and fresh water species. This unique aquaculture project had a marine edible fish hatchery

along with marine and fresh water ornamental fish hatchery. It also had a small flow through

marine species farm (150 tons), which was used to explore the growth stage of new species

that were developed in the hatchery among with regular species. The Project had a cage farm

in Turkey (1500 tons).


Most of the facility plans were made with the help of "Gidon Zolkov Consulting Engineers, Ltd.

" located in Israel under my instructions and supervision.  Most of the hydraulic plans designed

and planed by              "  Magelan - planning & engineering consulting Ltd" under my instructions

and supervision

Local Ocean - Hudson,New York 2009-2013


Local Ocean, located in Hudson, NY was the 1st commercial scale zero-discharge

farm in the world. I was the professional manager for Local Ocean for 4 years and

was in charge of the full cycle production (including the hatchery which was located

in NH). The design of the facility and the facility plans were made with the help of

"Gidon Zolkov Consulting Engineers, Ltd." located in Israel under my instructions

and supervision. All the hydraulic plans designed and planed by “ Magelan -

planning & engineering consulting Ltd" under my instructions and supervision

Marine Ornamental fish - Sri-Lanka 2014


I was assigned by USA located organization "USAID -ACDI/VOCA" to help the Sri-Lanka

National Aquaculture Authority and a local exporting company " Aquatic Nurseries" located

in Negombo, Sri-Lanka to help them start a new production plan of Marine ornamental fish.

Sri-Lanka is a big wild marine fish exporter and they aim to become a player in the tank-bred sustainable marine ornamental fish market.

During my consultancy there I managed to design, instruct, built and populate Sri-Lanka

1st breeding room for marine ornamental fish with protocols for the production of 3 different

ornamental families to start with.

Atlit, Israel


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